Submit controls

The submit controls allow you to submit or cancel changes made to an operation.

You can submit an operation or cancel any changes made to an operation. When submitting an operation, you have the choice to remain on the same panel, go to the next operation, or run the query to the end. The submit controls are located at the top right side in each operation panel.

Table 1. Submit controls icons
Icon Name Description
Cancel changes Cancels any changes made to an operation in a panel.

In a new operation that has not yet been submitted, clicking Cancel changes displays the New operation panel.

In a previously submitted operation, clicking Cancel changes cancels changes made in the panel and displays the operation in the last state it was submitted.

Submit operation Submits the operation and stays on the same operation panel.
Submit and go to next operation Submits the operation and goes to the next operation in the timeline.
Submit and run query to end Submits the query and runs all operations to the end of the timeline.