Scroll directly to a specific column

You can go directly to a specific column in the grid by right-clicking the horizontal scroll bar and choosing a column in the dialog.

In addition to scrolling through the columns in the grid, the scroll bar allows you to go directly to a specific column in the table or worksheet.

To scroll directly to a specific column:

  1. In the Grid view of an open table or worksheet, right-click the horizontal scroll bar.
    The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet displays the Scroll to column dialog.

  2. In the Scroll to column dialog, click the drop-down () icon.
    The dialog displays a column filter field and a list of the columns contained in the table or worksheet.

  3. Optionally, in the column filter field, enter the name or label of a column.
    As you enter text, the dialog filters the list and displays only the columns that match your entry.
  4. In the drop-down list, select a column.
    The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet displays the appropriate column in the grid.
    Note: To dismiss the Scroll to column dialog without selecting a column, click anywhere outside of the dialog.