Column header menu options

The column header menu provides quick access to commonly used column settings and commands.

The column header menu is accessed by clicking the drop-down arrow () icon in the column header row within the Grid view of the Trillion-Row Spreadsheet or the Macro Language Workshop.

Figure 1. Column header menu in the grid
Sort up
Sorts the rows in the table such that the values in the column are in ascending order.

For instructions, see Sort rows within the grid.

Sort down
Sorts the rows in the table such that the values in the column are in descending order.

For instructions, see Sort rows within the grid.

Copy name

Copies the selected column name to the clipboard. This is useful when you want to copy and paste column names into your query.

Hide column
Hides the column from the grid.

For instructions, see Hide a column within the grid.

Modify info
Opens a dialog which allows you to edit the metadata information of the column.

For more information, see Column metadata dialog.

Quick fit width
Adjusts the width of the column to fully display the widest row of data in the column.
Column origin
Opens the timeline panel from which the column originates (TRS only).

For example, if the column is the result of a computed column, the Trillion-Row Spreadsheet opens the relevant Computed column panel. If the column is derived from a link to a foreign table, the appropriate Link tables panel is opened. If the column is the result of a tabulation, the applicable Tabulation panel is opened. If the column is a local physical column, the Open table panel of the base table is opened.