
Using <widget class_="text"> displays text in the QuickApp.


    <widget class_="text" type_="[plain|html]" text_="[TEXT_TO_DISPLAY]"/>

Alternate syntax

  <widget class_="text">
    <code language_="js">
    <code language_="css">

This extended form of <widget class_="text"> may contain either plain text content or text that is wrapped in one or more <text> or <html> tags. Text wrapped in <text> is HTML-escaped before being displayed; text wrapped in <html> is displayed directly. For more information, see <text> and <html>.

The text widget may also contain <code language_="js"> forms, which are sent to the browser wrapped in HTML <script> tags, and <code language_="css"> forms, which are sent to the browser wrapped in HTML <style> tags. For more information, see <code>.

Note: As a best practice, always wrap HTML, css and javascript in <![CDATA]]> tags as shown in the above syntax. Without these tags, not all spaces will be preserved between HTML elements which may result in undesired output.

The text widget may also contain one or more <layer> clauses, each containing a 1010data query. Each <layer> may bear one or more value*_ (and associated row*_ / col*_ ) attributes, and/or a tablevalue_ attribute. Variables set thus by layer queries have scope only in subsequent items (other <layer> tags, text, and <text> / <html> / <code> forms) within the widget itself; in other words, they do not change the global <dynamic> environment and need not be specified in the <dynamic> clause. For more information, see <layer>.

(Available as of version 11.09)

As of version 11.10, the extended form of <widget class_="text"> respects newlines in plain text contents.

As of version 11.13, the extended form of <widget class_="text"> understands <itext> block forms and displays them translated into HTML. For more information, see <itext>.


The type of text to display.

Valid values are:

Plain text is displayed with styling defined by the color_, style_, and alttextstyle_ attributes.

This is the default.

Text is displayed with any HTML formatting, if specified. The color_, style_, and alttextstyle_ attributes are ignored.
The default is plain.
Specifies the text to display.

The string specified by the text_ attribute may include HTML escape characters (e.g., use &quot; to include double quotes in the text). For example, text_="She said, &quot;Wow, that's cool!&quot;" will display in the text widget as: She said, "Wow, that's cool!"

This attribute is only valid when type_="plain".

Specifies the color of the displayed text.

The color can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

This attribute is only valid when type_="plain".

Specifies the styling for the displayed text. Accepts CSS (e.g., font-family:courier;font-weight:bold;font-size:26pt;).

This attribute is only valid when type_="plain".

Specifies the text to display when the user points to the widget.

This attribute is only valid when type_="plain".

(Available as of version 10.40)

Specifies the color of the displayed text when the user points to the widget.

The color can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

This attribute is only valid when type_="plain".

(Available as of version 10.40)

Specifies the styling for the displayed text when the user points to the widget. Accepts CSS (e.g., font-family:courier;font-weight:bold;font-size:26pt;).

This attribute is only valid when type_="plain".

(Available as of version 11.08)

Example: Using type_="plain"

  <widget class_="text" type_="plain" 
   text_="Here's some &quot;plain text&quot; with some style." 

Example: Using alttext_ and alttextstyle_

  <widget class_="text" text_="This text is normal." 
   alttext_="This text is big and bold when you point at it." 

Example: Using type_="html"

  <widget class_="text" type_="html" 
   text_="<h1>This is an HTML header</h1><p>This is the first 
   paragraph.</p><p>This second paragraph has the function 
   <code>g_sum(G;S;X)</code> in monospaced font and 
   also has some <i>italicized</i> text for emphasis.</p>"/>

Example: Using <code> and <html> within the text widget

The following example demonstrates how the <html> block form can be included within a text widget to display HTML text. It also uses the <code> block form to specify CSS to style the HTML. In addition, the value of the dynamic variable yourname, which is entered using the field widget, is referenced within the HTML text.

<dynamic yourname="">
  <layout arrange_="v">
    <widget class_="field" label_="Enter your name:" 
    <widget class_="text" visible_="{@yourname<>''}">
      <code language_="css"><![CDATA[ 
            h3 {

            p {
                font-family: verdana;
                font-size: 20px;

            a {
          <h3>Hello, {@yourname}!
          <p>1010data offers the only fully-scalable, self-services 
            insights platform for data management, analysis and 
            application building.
          <a target="_blank" href="">
            Click here to learn more

Example: Using <layer> and <text> within the text widget

<dynamic store="1">
  <layout arrange_="v">
    <widget class_="dropdown" label_="Select a store" 
    <widget class_="text">
      <layer value_="@totalsales" row_="1" col_="1">
        <base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
        <tabu breaks="store">
          <tcol source="sales" name="sumsales" 
           fun="sum" label="Sales"/>
        <sel value="store={@store}"/>
        <colord cols="sumsales"/>
      <text>The total sales for store {@store} is ${@totalsales}.

Example: Using <layer> with tablevalue_

The following example demonstrates how a <layer> is used to specify a query that provides data for the text widget. In this example, the results of the query is saved in a table-value variable named stores. That variable is then accessible to the text specified after the <layer> tag. The text references the stores variable to display the store and city associated with the selection made in the dropdown widget.

<dynamic selection="1">
  <layout arrange_="v">
    <widget class_="dropdown" label_="Select a store" value_="@selection">
    <widget class_="text" visible_="{@selection<>''}">
      <layer tablevalue_="@stores">
        <base table=""/>
      Store {[@selection]} is located in {[@selection]}.