<layer name="marker">

<layer name="marker"> is used for placing "pins" on the map within the map widget.


The <layer> element must specify a base table containing geographic data. The table must provide columns containing valid values for latitude, longitude, location description, and a unique identifier for the pin that corresponds to a given location. 1010data has provided a sample table that contains the necessary data for <layer name="marker"> in pub.demo.geo.counties.


  <widget class_="gmap">
    <layer name="marker">
      [1010data Query]


Accepts boolean values. alwayslabel_="1" results in labels that are always visible.
Accepts a column name containing valid latitudinal values.
Accepts a column name containing valid longitudinal values.
Accepts a column name containing text values that serve as the description of the pin.
Accepts a column name containing unique values, each of which serves as a unique identifier for each pin.
Accepts a decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). The higher the value specified, the more opaque the markers in the map.
Accepts boolean values. showhints_="1" shows the hints on mouseover. This is the default value.

marker layer Example

The following example displays markers in the Google map. The opacity of the marker is .6 (opacity_=0.6), so they are somewhat transparent. alwayslabel_=1, so the markers have actual labels (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Connecticut) not just mouseover hints.

<dynamic pzpack="{pkg('lat' 'lng' 'zoom' 'nelat' 'nelng' 'swlat' 'swlng'; 40.753622 -73.972841 8 '' '' '' '')}">
  <widget class_="gmap" pzvalue_="@pzpack" width_="1383" height_="495">
    <layer name="marker" lat_="lat" lng_="long" desc_="state" key_="id" 
       opacity_=0.6 alwayslabel_=1>
      <base table="pub.demo.geo.counties"/>
      <tabu breaks="state_id">
        <tcol fun="first" source="latitude" name="lat"/>
        <tcol fun="first" source="longitude" name="long"/>
        <tcol fun="first" source="state" name="state"/>
      <willbe name="id" value="i_()"/>