
Using <widget class_="chart" type_="rangecolumn"> produces a chart that displays columns which represent ranges of values. (Available as of version 10.22)


    <widget class_="chart" type_="rangecolumn" orientation_="vertical|horizontal">

The [1010data_QUERY] associated with the widget should result in either one or more pairs of numeric columns, or a column of any type followed by one or more pairs of numeric columns.

If the query results in one or more pairs of numeric columns, the row number is used as the category, and the columns specify the minimum and maximum values for separate series that are plotted as different-colored bars.

If the query results in a column of any type followed by one or more pairs of numeric columns, the first column specifies the categories, and the remaining columns specify the minimum and maximum values for separate series that are plotted as different-colored bars.

Attributes for type_="rangecolumn"

Determines the direction in which the bars in the chart are displayed.
The bars in the chart are displayed horizontally.
The bars in the chart are displayed vertically.

The default is vertical.

Example: type_="rangecolumn"

The following example uses the table pub.demo.weather.wunderground.forecast to create a chart with columns that display the range of Fahrenheit temperatures forecast for July 2016 in the zip code 01001. Because the hints_ attribute is set to 1, a default tooltip displays the minimum and maximum values for each column.

  <widget class_="chart" type_="rangecolumn" 
   clabel_="Date" ylabel_="Temperature(F)" 
   title_="Temperature Range" hints_="1">
    <sel value="(year(datefor)=2016)"/>
    <sel value="(month(datefor)=7)"/>
    <sel value="zipcode = 01001"/>
    <tabu label="Tabulation on Forecast" breaks="datefor">
      <tcol fun="avg" source="temphighi" 
       name="avg_high_temp" label="Average`High`Temp`(F)"/>
      <tcol fun="avg" source="templowi" 
       name="avg_low_temp" label="Average`Low`Temp`(F)"/>
    <sort col="datefor" dir="up"/>
    <colord cols="datefor,avg_high_temp,avg_low_temp"/>