
Using <widget class_="chart" type_="scatter"> produces a chart in which each value is plotted as a separate data point. (Available as of version 10.16)


    <widget class_="chart" type_="scatter">

The [1010data_QUERY] associated with the widget should result in one or two numeric columns.

If the query results in one column, then the row number is represented on the X axis, and the values in the column are represented on the Y axis.

If the query results in two columns, the values in the first column are represented on the X axis, and the values in the second column are represented on the Y axis.

Attributes for type_="scatter"

Accepts the name of a column that is used to color the scatter plot according to group.

(Prior to version 10.26, this attribute was named groupby_.)

Example: type_="scatter"

The following example creates a chart widget that displays a scatter plot. The chart shows the average rainfall greater than 0.5 inches in the Miami area (i.e., zip codes starting with 331) in the table pub.demo.weather.wunderground.observed_daily. It uses a <graphspec> element to specify the minimum and maximum values displayed on the x-axis.

  <widget class_="chart" type_="scatter" 
   title_="Avg Rainfall > 0.5&quot; - Miami (2014)">
    <sel value="year(date)=2014"/>
    <sel value="(beginswith(zipcode;'331'))"/>
    <tabu label="Tabulation on Observed Daily" breaks="date">
      <break col="date" sort="up"/>
      <tcol fun="avg" name="avgprecipi" source="precipi" 
    <sel value="avgprecipi > 0.5"/>
      <xaxis min="20140101" max="20141231"/>